
Blade Runner


Groundhog Day(恋はデジャ・ヴ)

Groundhog Dayの1日を田舎でループさせられる物語。「たった1日に閉じ込められた人間が、どうなっていくのか」という物語を進めながら、変わらない日常に、何を求め何を成していけばよいのかを考えさせる名作。ただのコメディーではありません。

The Goonies

1985年のアドベンチャー映画。DVDのコメンタリーがとても面白い。勿論、本編も面白い。 この映画の予算は1900万ドルだから、約20億円強か。今の100億円越え予算を費やして、映像だけ奇麗で中身が残らない映画と比べれば、月とすっぽん。見てない人…


子供よりも、子供と見に行った親が楽しむための映画。アクションシーンは、Star Wars、インディー・ジョーンズあたりのオマージュ。 スピッツの歌はいいです。ストーリーはまぁまぁいいです。綾瀬はるかの声はどうでもいいです。


過去の反省から、娘を溺愛する中年親父が奮闘する物語です。007慰めの報酬のようにバッタバッタと娘の誘拐に関係ある人物をなぎ倒していきます。親父の行動力が面白い。しかし、CIAが誘拐組織から金をふんだくるのに加担しているのは不可解だった。 親父:元…



今回は、ちと日本語。 ドラクエと失楽園 ドラクエは失楽園からの影響を受けている箇所が今までも多数あったが、今作でもその影響が見られて、残りの部分で語られているだろうバックグラウンドに興味がもてる。 勇者と雷 ナンバリングの3〜8で出て来る勇者…



トランスフォーマー 1 & 2


The Reader(愛を読む人)

In this movie, the keyword is AUSCHWITZ and ANALPHABET.dont good. But, not bad.The story say, the problems of World War live with us.

New life

I moved from FUJISAWA.All things make me busy.But, something are good.One of them is that I become to be able to go to the cinema, every weekend.


I like comedy made by Uchimura.So, I rent this DVD.


The theme is many or less money.POOR make unhappiness. But, RICH make misery, too.What can you feel in this movie?

消されたヘッドライン(STATE OF PLAY)

I want to read this story again after watching. Actors , Story, Music and Effects are very good. Between first to end, I was enjoying.

Terminator Salvation

This movie is only for fan of Terminator. Scene in Action is very good. But, its story is so bad.Im surprised at that John (Christian Bale) is immortal.


A few weeks ago, I went to Akiba for buying some DVD made in UK. There was many shops in Akiba which sell some video and DVD made in some countries. But, the shops change to other types of shop.Akiba, where we can buy all DVD, Video and PC…

meet in my country

Last weekend, I attend the reunion.I got new sights from their but I cant tell many sights. I regreted what I cant tell their a thing.It is that we can take mesages along some way which is all about us.Example is cloth, voice, eye, stance …

in japan

Swine flu reset my plan.


This April is heavy for me.Many things change and grow. Ill go to NY, 30 April - 9 May.I want to enjoy American cultures and history.

Bonds in battlefield

Many people come this blog when they search "Bond in battlefield".Last month, I bought it and play.This game is fan for someone who like P2P Games.Rule is very simple, so user sholud think game plan.Thus, we will enjoy this game with someo…


I wasted time. Fantastic4 was little good but 2 not.


This Japanese movie is comedy about a man loving GEISHA.We know a part of GEISHA in this.But, main flow isnt related GEISHA and Kyoto.

heavy week

I can finish half of things I want to do.So, step one by one. My curiosity of same field may help me. For my new researching, I will go N.Y. end of April.I want to feel person living in N.Y..


We can catch many type of information when we use some media.We must learn to get information that we want to know.But, I feel, many students in the univ. forget to help themselves. I read American News that movies will be made about many …


"Many Japanese make blog with only own language in the world."It was word which a teacher in my univ. said.And he said, "Japanese have many contents in japan, which is very expensive in the world. But almost of contents isnt introduced."I …



AC版と違って、フットペダルがない分、指一つの操作が多くて違和感があるが、FPSのガンダムゲーとしては良作 NPCはPCには及ばないが、ちゃんとポイント抑えて攻守してくれるので、ソロでもまぁまぁマルチは十二分に面白い





ボラット 栄光ナル国家カザフスタンのためのアメリカ文化学習
